Delegation from the Belarusian Fund of Peace, headed by the Chairman of the Board Maksim Vladimirovich Misko and consisting of Deputy Chairman Aleksandr Vladimirovich Chirko and member of the Belarusian Fund of Peace Olga Dmitrievna Misko visited Mongolia with a working visit by invitation of the President of the Peace and Friendship Organization of Mongolia D.Zagdjav on 23th of November, 2015.
The two heads of the organizations exchanged views on future cooperation a proceeded to the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between the Peace and Friendship of Mongolia and the Belarusian Fund of Peace.
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 the Soviet Peace Fund was restructured to the Belarusian Fund of Peace and is currently the most influential public organization in Belarus. The Fund works on a wide range of issues regarding building and strengthening peace with the support from the government and other public organizations.
Currently, the Belarusian Fund of Peace has 148 city and district representatives and has over 11000 members.
With the signing of the Memorandum on Cooperation between the Mongolian and the Belarusian peace organizations the two organizations set the framework for supporting their respective governments’ initiatives on issues of peace and security on a regional and international levels and further develop the traditionally friendly relations between the countries.