Greetings to the visitors of our webpage, wishing you the happiness and best wishes to your future endeavor.
Peace and Friendship Organization of Mongolia with its 55 years of history, is a rightful successor of Mongolian Committee to Interact with Foreign Countries Through Friendship and Culture which established in 1958 is pursuant to the Constitution of Mongolia, The Mongolian Law on Non-Governmental Organizations, the National Security Concept of Mongolia, Concept of Foreign Policy of Mongolia, other related laws and regulations, universal principles of international relations as well as to the international agreements and to its own rules, and works in compliance with the main goals of Mongolia, such as country’s independence, national security, national interests, harmony among nations, friendly relations and peaceful cooperation.
As a non-governmental, central organization of public diplomacy, with the membership intended on promoting peace among nations, friendship and cooperation, that supported by Government, public and foreign peace organizations, we have set our goal and working towards tight cooperation with the sovereign nations, humanity, organizations and individuals in all areas, in order to develop peace, security, friendly relations, peaceful cooperation, while contributing in the establishment of positive international environment to ensure our country’s development and promoting and implementing peaceful, open and multi-pillar foreign policy, based on the advantages of civil democratic society, its potential and public participation.